This is the last parts photos upload of Selina & Robert. Setting took place at Malacca tourisms spot, Malacca Red House, ST Paul Church & A Famosa.
These are some photos;
Last Saturday I went to the
Here are some photos that I took;
Most probably all already know the answer. Yes! It is a tripod. I have bought the D-SLR for almost a year, only now I take the initial to buy tripod.
Bubble Level Indicator – Helps to keep the level of the tripod.
3-Section Aluminum Legs With Brace – For maximum strength and stability.
Quick-Release Leg Lock – For easy maneuverability.
Non-Slip Feet – Keeps it steady.
Sound ironic? Haha! It just an ordinary tripod which is cheap and its
Just came back watching a movie “Pirates of The Caribbean; At World's End” It was a last minutes decision to watch this movie with my fellow secondary schoolmates. The storyline is a bit lengthy and bored if compare with the previous episodes. The customs and graphic effects are the points to extol. The fairly tales of love story were so poignant. Imagine 10 years only can meet once with your loved one. Over all rated 8/10.
I have bought something for myself this evening. Try to guess what it is. Hehe!
It Gripped!
It has bubble level.
Now is about 0510and I need to wake up at 0620 to catch myself to Malacca to attending a wedding. Going to find Mr. Chow now! :D
Around 2am in the morning I was driving back from my regular “Yum Char” session with my secondary schoolmates. When I reach home, I get off from my car to open the house main gate. When I turn back there’s a black small shadow standing next to my car. I was like :O What’s that? It was very dark; the lamp posts were out, it moving toward me. Drop of sweat gush from my back to my spine. :S When it get closer only I realize that it was a dog. I was scrutinizing around to check whether any owner inadvertently lost theirs dog. There’s no one around.
Suddenly there’s a Hyundai Atos cruising and nearly ran over the dog. Thus I brought him to my house, afraid it will get harmed if letting it wander around.
It is a miniature dog, I think it is a Lhasa Alpso breeds, male and has an orange colour collar. It look alike my dogs (Shih Tzu) but it has a longer nose.
This is the photo taken just now with my Digital Camera.
Anyone knows the owner of this dog please e mail/message me. I’ll contact you ASAP.
Thank you.
This is my Ride with my few DIY. All are 100% home made, bloods, sweats and energy employed for the task. Sound Sarcastic? lolz.
I used a lot blue LEDs on my DIY.
Lay Light.
Glow Door Handle.
Door Panel’s Light.
Today is a special day for all Mothers in the world. Tonight we are supposing to have a dinner at Teluk Gong, Klang. Due to some dispute a raised between with my father and my mum, thus we ended to have the feast at Pizza Hut’s only. While we munch I gazed at my mum. I saw a lot wrinkles near her eye and forehead, my mum is getting old. I become poignant; my mum has scarified a lot to cultivate me, my sister and my brother. She will always be my superwomen in my heart. I “Love You Mum” and “Thank You” Happy Mother’s Day to all.
This is one of my all times KoreanMovie. It started with a blotted city boy from
In a time where the boy’s batteries of the Gameboy drained, has realized him that there’s more life than just unrealistic electronic gadgets. He met with the other villagers and their kids fitted him in the scenery. The movie is not only about generation gap, but is about social and cultural gap.
The genuine of love from the woman has overwhelmed my heart. The songs that convoy along on the movie were so touching.
For those who want to watch this movie, remember to schedule yourself on this next Saturday 13th of May 2007 at 2.oopm on 8TV. Buckle up on your comfy couch with corns, drinks and your family.
Morning kicked my ass to stay away from my comfy bed. I’m agony of heavy eye but my heart telling me I should not miss this chance to have the sun greet morning to me :P I took this picture when we are heading to other side of the beaches.
That day was so cloudy, the sun were wedged by the clouds. Damn!
We also pass by to buy some Lekor and Sata. Sata is something new to me and the taste are like Otak Otak and quite appetizing.
Year 2005 Myvi Owners’ Club has organise a National TT at Northern Region,
Guess who is on the reflection?
Rike Cool
Suria Resorts & Hotels
KW Accessories
Pan Global Insurance
After check-in we when for a town drive to Kemamam hunting for FOOODS!
This is the well known Stuffed Crab.
More photos will be uploaded soon.