I had diarrhea yesterday and whole night didn’t get well sleep. Yet after that I had a movie gathering with my fellow secondary frens in the morning. We watched Ratatouille at 1U and the movie is about a rat that born with a special ability to sense how to make a good foods and a non cook able garbage’s boy became a famous chef with an accidentally help of the rat. It’s a must movie to watch with family and frens.
After that we when for brunch at “Just Mee”
p/s Photos above were taken by Andy's SE K810i. My phone battery drained.
We walked around for few hours and I started to get a very bad headache and cold! Then I went back home and rest, the fever didn’t diminish yet it gets worst. Hence I went to seek doctor. I hate medicines a lot as I have eaten medicine for a decade when I had asthma while I’m small.
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