Jun 1, 2009

988 - Fighting

Posted by Anonymous |

I reached a call from 988 just now less than 10 minutes. Yeah! I won myself 4 movies tickets again. Hahaha!

You all must be doubt and curious, am'I for real?

This is my 7th time winning something on air.

It was a SMS contest of a movie "Fighting" that I have totally forgot about it till I received the call. Woots! I got myself 4 tickets and will be watching it 2 days early before it released.

Past winning click HERE!


TianChad田七摄影 said...

cool! A movie ticket magnet here ;p

TZ said...

hmmmm.... you r so lucky... just wondered wat's the tips to get the movie ticket free for 7 times :p

can share share ???

Anonymous said...

Tian Chad - Hhehe

TZ - er..... fast fast call in or sms in. =P