Feb 16, 2011

No String Attached

Posted by Anonymous |

Just got back from screening "No String Attached" starred Ashton Kutcher & Natalie Portman.

Warning! Only 18 and above only can read this movie review, if you are 18 and below......... please don't tell your mum. XD

A love comedy, Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher) who has been known 15 years back bumped back together. They didn't work out together as a couple instead a sex friends as Emma would want to protect their friendship. So they make a pact to keep their relationship strictly "No String Attached" It mean they are only together to fulfill theirs needs and would not fall in love.

Does Sex Friends would works to stay as Best Friends?

Find it out at the nearest cinema or you can watch the trailer first;

Rate 8.5/10 This movie tell how OPEN the western people are. The vulgar/censor words were everywhere in this movie, more likely jokes. Don't know why I enjoyed sex jokes very much and this is the movie for it.

Thanks to Kelly & UIP for the movie ticket.