Feb 18, 2011

Steve Job Has Just 6 Weeks To Live

Posted by Anonymous |

The tech world runs on rumors said that Steve Jobs, Apple founder and CEO of Apple Inc. has terminal pancreatic cancer and may live for just six more weeks.

On January, the 56 years old Steve Jobs has requested the board of directors to grant him a medical leave of his absence so that he could focus on his health.

There is this photo showing him looks frail and weak with his jeans and dark top hanging loose.

According to the National Enquirer, Jobs weight has dropped from a pre-cancer 175 pounds to 130 pounds now. His thinning has was a sign of the effects of chemotherapy used to treat the disease.

The photo was taken on Feb 8, showed Jobs going for breakfast with his wife Laurene Powell before heading to the Stanford Cancer Center in California.

The Apple CEO, who is worth $6 billion is currently on his 3rd medical leave and has bravely battled with the pancreatic cancer for 7 years.

Cancer indeed the scariest illness, it doesn't matter how rich you are. May god bless Jobs and family.



kekayaan tak boleh ubat kesakitan! finally! he's not enjoy his life!

Fahriee said...

Would be a very sad sight for Apple fans around the world if Jobs were to leave. ):

uLi.佑莉 said...

God bless him......

uLi.佑莉 said...

God bless him......

I AM A BLOGGER said...

izit? but, he really changed APPLE ~~~how r u ?

Malcolm Sze said...

Let's us pray hard for him.He really make the world so lively.
Live Long Steve Jobs

Anonymous said...

innaanie - Very true.

Fahriee - Yeah! :(

uLi - GBH

Xjion89 - Sound like real to me tho. I'm good! U?

munkien - Just like Michael?

Jason - U got ur point! I feel so bad :(