Mar 28, 2008


Posted by Anonymous |

Some random photos;

I believe nowadays most of you guys own a mobile phone and mostly has a in-built camera.

Normally on what condition you will use the camera to take photo?
1. Self camwhore
2. Portrait
3. Some crazy moments
4. Scenery
5. Car park (easy to find theirs car)
5. and more… you name it.

Here some photos that I took with my camera phone.

My colleague making a phone call on a tumbled public phone. Early was thought the Viva knocked the public phone. Ganas-nya Viva.

Below 2 photos were taken while I'm heading back to home after a tiring workday. 2 different day and time.

Can you see the moon?

Actually all above were crap! I got nothing to update, to post this. Hahaha!


s.kuan said...

my mobile is useless. i'm a cavewoman LOL

Anonymous said...

Hello, just hopped by :) . Though they were crap but they are nice :P .

Chee Ching said...

Woah, mine only 2mp. *Sniff*

Anonymous said...

Not bad hor the picture taken by nokia n95.
But usually i will use camera phone to take picture whenever i don't have camera with me.

bearlim said...

reasons for taking photo
1. Self camwhore
2. Portrait
3. Some crazy moments
4. Scenery
5. Car park (easy to find theirs car)
6. Just feel is my camera's working time XD

normally, i use camera more than handphone to capture photo. :)

Anonymous said...

SlowCatchUpKuan - It's time to ask ur boyboy to buy u one. =P
Vortrack - Thank you!
Chingy - My previous V3x also 2MP but can take nice picture oh!
HP84 - Tat wat I prasticing now!
BearLim - More conveniences mah. =)

s.kuan said...

u tell him for me lar hehehe

Anonymous said...

SlowCatchUpKuan - Can can! Ur boy boy got read ur blog mou? I leave the msg there =P

s.kuan said...

donno wor... i think got kua LOL

Anonymous said...

SlowCatchUpKuan - Hope you dun mind I spam ur blog! =P